SirNicolay Cattery Reservation Options:
A. Full reservation: one-time payment
* Kitten fee is paid in full
* 10% discount from original fee--not applicable when kitten has promo sale discount
* Delivery fee is waived (Metro Manila--within 8km from Greenhills, San Juan)--not applicable when kitten has promo sale discount
* Inclusive of pet carrier, pet food, adoption certificate. TICA pedigree certificate (soft copy) can be availed for extra 10K.
* Eligible for 90% refund of payment if purchase is cancelled; no refund 7 days before delivery/shipping
* For early/advanced reservation, you will get first priority pick (but first paid, first served policy among Option A clients) during picking of kittens (See Early/Advanced Reservation Policies below)
B. Good Reservation: 2-time payment
* Kitten fee is paid at least 50% of original fee
* 5% discount from original fee (applicable by second payment)--not applicable when kitten has promo sale discount
* Inclusive of pet carrier, pet food, adoption certificate. TICA pedigree certificate (soft copy) can be availed for extra 10K.
* Full payment + delivery/shipping fee is required at least 2 days before delivery/shipping;
* Eligible for 75% refund of deposit/payment if purchase is cancelled; no refund 7 days before delivery/shipping
* For early/advanced reservation, you will get second priority pick (but first paid, first served policy among Option B clients) during picking of kittens (See Early/Advanced Reservation Policies below)
C. Partial Reservation: multiple payment installment
* P10,000 initial partial reservation
* Reservation is partial only as kitten listing on website/social media is removed ONLY after 50% payment has been made; kitten may still be purchased by another client who chooses FULL or GOOD reservation option; the initial deposit can be transferred to another choice of kitten or be refunded 100%
* Inclusive of pet carrier, pet food, adoption certificate. TICA pedigree certificate (soft copy) can be availed for extra 10K.
* Full payment + delivery/shipping fee is required at least 2 days before delivery/shipping;
* Eligible for 50% refund of deposit/payment if purchase is cancelled; no refund 7 days before delivery/shipping
* For early/advanced reservation, you will get last priority pick (but first paid, first served policy among Option C clients) during picking of kittens (See Early/Advanced Reservation Policies below)​
ALL Reservations Policies:
* Videos and pictures are made available on/after kittens' milestones (like vaccination or monthsary)--taking pics and videos require work, so please be patient if pics/videos cannot be recorded as of the moment--trust that SirNicolay just wants your kitten to look his/her best on time of recording/pictorial
* In unfortunate circumstance like death of a reserved kitten before release, the client may transfer reservation to another available or future kitten or ask 100% full refund of the kitten
* All kittens are cleared by the vet as good for adoption after the third vaccination (3.5 month)--SirNicolay guarantees no existing hereditary health conditions on all the kittens being released
* TICA certificate (physical copy) takes a very long time to be released, especially during this time of pandemic--all cats and kittens from SirNicolay Cattery are registered on TICA's website, and this allows any cat breeder to take advantage of all breeding rights of their adopted cats. Soft copy (PDF) of cat pedigree will be emailed to you when made available by TICA.
EARLY/ADVANCED Kitten Reservation Policies (these apply when kitten does not have a temporary name or when kittens are not yet born)
EARLY RESERVATION: kitten is already born, but below 2 months or not yet given temporary name by SirNicolay
ADVANCED RESERVATION: kitten is not yet born
* Option A paying clients will get the PRIORITY PICK for the kittens. Followed by Option B and Option C paying clients. If there are 2 or more clients with same Option Payment: first paid, first served within each bracket of Option.
* Option A payment option will be prioritized up to the kittens' 6 weeks since birth. Options B and C will be offered after kittens' sixth week.
* Picking of Kittens will be done on the litters' 8th week or 2nd month. SirNicolay reserves the right to pick when is the best time for clients to pick the kitten of their choice.
* Should an unavoidable circumstance happens (like kitten being unfit for adoption as advised by vet or death of an early reserved kitten), the client who reserved can opt to transfer reservation to another kitten or to ask for 100% full refund of the early/advanced reservation